Friday, October 14, 2011

The Anatomy of Building a Brand: The Wonderful World of Marketing

MARKETING is the battery that keeps your business running. Now that you've selected the perfect business name and logo, it's time to present your masterpiece to the world. Here are a couple of strategies to get your company out to the right audience.

1. Marketing materials is a MUST: Often times when professionals create their business budget, they tend to put the least amount of money into marketing. You will need to start with business cards, postcards/flyers, and a website. Other things such as stickers, buttons, pens, car wraps, etc, can be purchased when you become more established.

2. Reach out to Bloggers: Business owners are starting to rely on bloggers to test their products and services, and then report their opinions to millions of visitors. Find a list of blogs related to your business topic and offer to send your item or service for exposure on their blog. Make sure you are 100% prepared to showcase your business to the world, because bloggers are giving their honest opinions to millions of viewers.

3. FREE .99: Consumers LOVE to get things for free. It can be something that they don't need or will never use, but they want it anyway. Offer something for free with your services. How many times have you gone to a sandwich shop to eat just to get your card stamped? You know that after the 8th sandwich, the 9th one will be free. Sometimes my goal is to get the free sandwich, even though I've already spent money buying 8. The point is that it makes me anticipate the free item. Put that same anticipation into your clients, and offer something for free with your services.

4. Run Contest: Holding contests is a great way to bring attention to your company. Again, you are giving your consumers something to anticipate...A PRIZE. Carefully think out your contest and be sure to provide clear details. My clients, New York Times Best Selling Authors, Ashley & JaQuavis are famous for their contest when releasing a new novel. The contests usually mandates the contestants to do something on Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook. With the right strategy, this can become one of the easiest ways to market your business because you are letting your contestants market for you.

5. Become Your Own Walking Billboard: Aside from the marketing materials that I listed above, it would also be wise to invest in items such as t-shirts, tote bags, umbrellas, etc. Whenever I do makeup at an event, wedding, or any place where there will be a lot of people, I wear a t-shirt with my logo and web address on it. If you do your local traveling on public transportation, carry a tote bag or umbrella with your business information on it. You want your logo and company info visible to as many people as possible.

6. Sponsorship: This is a great way to expose your business to a broad audience as well as give back. As a sponsor your logo and business information is usually placed on banners, programs, giveaway bags, etc. Of course your objective as a business owner is to make money, however donating your services can double your exposure for a good cause.

Hopefully this series of tips have been helpful to you. Please feel free to leave feedback below on other methods that you use to market your company.

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