Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Do You Have the Right Business Card?

The one mistake that a lot of Entrepreneurs make is not having the proper marketing material. The most important marketing tool is a business card. I've compiled a list of features your business card should have.

1.) If your business involves anything visual then it is a MUST to include snapshots of your work. I get so many business cards from other photographers, hair stylist, fashion designers, etc...that do not include pictures of their work. Your business card should always remind a person of why they should be contacting you. Showcase your awesome work!

2.) Using stock photographs instead of photographs of your own work tells your potential clients several things: A.) You aren't taking your business seriously B.) You aren't confident in your own craft C.) Use my services at your own risk. The point of a business card is to sell yourself and what you can provide. A person may be reluctant to using you if they can't see the actual work.

3.) When you give one person a business card, chances are other people will see it as well. Include as much information as possible about your services. Instead of listing 10 different social site addresses, use the space to list your prices or specials. My photography business card (below) has my prices and a description of my packages. So when a person calls, more than likely they are ready to just book.

4.) Having a Facebook or Twitter page these days has become as common as having a driver's license. If your Facebook or Twitter page is not 100% dedicated to your business then you should not include that link on your card. If you insist on connecting to people through those outlets then set up a business page, especially if it's FREE.

Here are my cards for OBD Photography & Oddball Dsgn. I have a collage of my work on both cards. On my photography cards I have my packages and prices. The card is also slightly larger to act as a mini comp card as well. If you are in need of a set of fly business cards, feel free to contact me at



  1. Great Post Vida! Some people make huge marketing mistakes when starting or running a business.

  2. ODB is a great service. I highly recommend
